50-years birthday
It was my turn to become 50 this year. I had actually hoped and planned to have a big party to celebrate it. Not much to do about increasing age except accepting and embracing it. Hopefully, we all become wiser with age.
Anyhow, due to an insane workload all spring my body was close to breaking apart. I have never been this close to a total burn-out before. If it hadn’t been for my father and my friend Nina Dannevall, I would most likely have been beyond repair. Much thanks to their help and the Danish company EmpowerMind, I was able to regain some of my health but not all of it. Hence, no energy for big parties.
Luckily, another good friend Susan Hansen decided to come and visit us in Iceland during the days when I had my 50-years’ birthday. Susan and I (and the dogs) went on several trips and on my birthday, all three of us (Erik, Susan, and I) went for a nice dinner at the Nordic House in Reykjavík.
Susan and I also went to Álafoss to buy yarn for an Icelandic sweater of my own choice of colours and model. Then Susan would knit it as a birthday present for me. Fantastic present as I’m completely addicted to Icelandic sweaters! Susan, by the way, also designed the logo we are using on this website.