Louise, daughter of my cousin Michael Heldrup and his wife Helene Wolff, celebrated her school days are over after graduating from high school. This meant that the whole family and friends could join her in celebration on a sunny Sunday in June. Next stop for
My mother Marlous and my aunt Helma Stockmann came to visit us in Gothenburg, which happened to coincide with the Swedish midsummer celebration. This is one of the most important traditions of Sweden and fun for foreigners to experience. I took my mother and Helma
Erik is turning 60 on Wednesday but decided to have his birthday party this weekend. Colleagues, friends and family were invited and almost 50 guests showed up including 5 children and 3 dogs. Erik had hired Julius with friend Matthias to take care of the
As Erik was going with the Glaciological Society of Iceland 'JÖRFÍ' up on the Vatnajökull glacier and needed transport to Copenhagen Airport, I decided to spend the time in Denmark at my mother's new home, and celebrate my 50+ birthday with friends in Gundsømagle. It's
Friday was the day where Michelle Nygren defended her PhD thesis 'Impact of climate variability on dynamic groundwater storage in mid- and high latitude countries' at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Erik was the examination coordinator meaning he was responsible for organising the defence and
Today marks the one-year anniversary of moving into our new home on Skjutbanegatan in Landala Egnahem, Gothenburg. We are still more than happy with this home and grateful every morning to wake up in this cozy wooden house. It has a very charming atmosphere and
Our older Smooth Collie, Glitnir has now reached the admirable age of 13 years. She is still in pretty good shape and not on any medication. During the year, she had one near-death incident when she drank algae water. I had to bring her to
While in Iceland, we were luckily able to attend the PhD defence of Eemu Ranta at the University of Iceland. Eemu is a former BSc and MSc student of ours on the Ikka project in Greenland, and similar to his Master's thesis, he has done
What an intensive program we have had in Iceland the past week. Much to attend and much to celebrate! Upon arrival in Iceland Sunday last week, Erik and I could celebrate that it is now 12.5 years since we got married at Sýslumaðurinn in Reykjavík
Our youngest Smooth Collie, Deli (Honey Melon Fay Fidelia) turned 9 yesterday. Every year she manages to add to her life at times feel like a miracle. She has a badly functioning pancreas and that causes challenges to her health. Luckily, not all the time,