First leg of our fieldwork in Ikka Fjord, SW Greenland this summer was carried out by oceanographer Jesper Sano Højdal from HydroCharting ApS and Kunuk Albrechtsen from Arsuk. Despite bad weather, they were able to make 78 temperature-salinity profiles from inner Ikka Fjord all the
Today was the Master's exam of Sigríður María Aðalsteinsdóttir (Sigga) at the University of Iceland. Sigga has been working with us on the IKKA project in Greenland since summer 2019, and her MS thesis is entitled 'The Low-Temperature Weathering of the Grønnedal-Íka Carbonatite-Alkaline Silicate Igneous
Written by Erik Sturkell
Finally a spring trip with the Icelandic Glaciological Society (JÖRFI) after the limited tour in 2020, which I did not take part in. Due to the covid situation only a few participated in the spring trip 2020. In 2021, there was a
I have discovered a new heavenly place on Earth, the archipelago on the west coast of Sweden. For some reason, Erik and I have done very little sightseeing in the Gothenburg area, but while Erik was in Iceland, I got a chance to visit our
Erik and co-workers just had their work published on the findings of microplast in the Vatnajökull glacier on Iceland. This is Europe's largest glacier and although diminishing it still receives quite a bunch of snow load each year, which is then slowly turned into glacier
Or a November day in the sand. Author: Erik Sturkell.
On Sunday the 8th of November Gabrielle, Glitnir, Deli and I (Erik) joined Eric Hegardt and Erik Meland far out in the woods just south of Svenljunga, to do a refraction survey. Eric and Erik had a
We are most grateful for receiving funding from the Danish Fund 'Aage V. Jensens fonde' for research in Ikka Fjord, SW Greenland. The funding will be spent on carrying out oceanographic studies and making CTD profiles in Ikka Fjord to obtain good, solid seawater data
In mid August, Erik and I decided spontaneously to go on one week's visit to Jämtland in central Sweden. We have friends living up there and Erik has his Impact Crater project in the area. Hence, this gave us the chance to stay at our
Written by Erik Sturkell
On the 4th of July I travelled to Iceland with multiple purposes: 1) to do field work, 2) to meet people, and 3) to attend our car and apartment. Upon arrival I took a Corona test that turned out to be negative, that’s
In November 2019, Erik and I had a severe accident with our old Toyota Landcruiser and in many ways lucky to still be alive. We are not the first to be in an accident in Iceland due to snowy slippery roads. Quite many of our