Erik is currently in Iceland to take part in the annual glacier trip to Vatnajökull (Vorferð) with JÖRFÍ. However, he was extremely lucky to even see the onset of the most recent volcanic eruption on the Reykjanes peninsula. He was taking part in the weekly
Report and photos by Erik Sturkell.
The Icelandic glaciological society (JÖRFÍ) organised the first spring trip (Vorferð) to Vatnajökull from the 25th to the 31st of May, which I took part in. This was the first trip of two as the spring trip is popular. The approach point
Written by Erik Sturkell
Finally a spring trip with the Icelandic Glaciological Society (JÖRFI) after the limited tour in 2020, which I did not take part in. Due to the covid situation only a few participated in the spring trip 2020. In 2021, there was a
Erik and co-workers just had their work published on the findings of microplast in the Vatnajökull glacier on Iceland. This is Europe's largest glacier and although diminishing it still receives quite a bunch of snow load each year, which is then slowly turned into glacier
One hundred years ago (1st of September 1919) two young Swedes stood on the edge of a large caldera. This is known today as Grimsvötn and is Iceland’s currently most frequently erupting volcano. It was Erik Ygberg and Håkan Wadell who were the first ones