Since 1995, school kids in Gothenburg have been offered a chance to watch movies as part of their teaching curriculum. Different movies offer different topics to discuss in plenum and with an expert / scientist present to answer questions. Erik had the immense pleasure yesterday
Earlier in the week we went to Katrineholm to visit Erik's father Carl Edvard who is now quite old (97) and staying at an elderly home. If life and health allows it, he will turn 98 in early November - an impressive age but his
This weekend, geologist Thomas Eliasson from the Swedish Geological Survey (SGU) arranged the annual Autumn excursion to the spectacular landscape of Bohuslän's granites. We met around 9:30 and we brought our two dogs with us. At age nearly 6 months, Jörfi took part in this
Autumn is here and so are all the apples and the final garden projects before it gets too late in the year. Erik and I have realised that a lot of work is needed when owning a house with a decent size of garden. All
Spring is here and so are my Dutch tulips. Until recently, I wasn't sure my effort in the autumn of putting 300+ flower bulbs in the ground paid off, but in April the sun and some warmth did the trick and a lot of flowers
Another visit to the sunny island of Orust to visit colleague Bengt Liljebladh and a friend from the University of Connecticut, Annelie Skoog. We were able to sit outside for coffee and went for a long walk afterwards, where we passed several old quarries. These
Text by Erik Sturkell, live from Spain. Photo above is of the volcano Mount Saint Helens in the US, photo taken by Erik Sturkell.
Thanks to our work on changes in geochemical composition of groundwater in Iceland and the publication Skelton et al. (2019), I got
We are most grateful for the financial support from 'Aase og Jørgen Münters Fond' in Denmark to our Greenland research project! The diving on this year's IKKA expedition to study the submarine ikaite columns was made possible through a generous grant from this Danish fund.
Thanks to the La Palma eruption on the Canary Islands and the still ongoing Fagradalsfjall eruption in Iceland, plus the potential eruption from Askja, volcanoes are receiving a lot of attention by Swedish media these days. Erik has been contacted quite frequently for a comment,
This is just to advertise our recent popular science article in Geologiskt forum nr. 111, 2021 about the Fagradalsfjall volcanic eruption in Iceland. The article is in Swedish.
Link to 'Geologiska föreningen', who is the publisher of Geologiskt forum:
For all who understands Swedish, we highly recommend