Congrats to M.Sc. Lotta Hanzelmann
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Congrats to M.Sc. Lotta Hanzelmann

We are extremely proud of Lotta Hanzelmann and the M.Sc. thesis work she has been carrying out the past years at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. It has not been easy to conduct laboratory work when instruments and laboratories have been shut down occasionally due to covid lockdown. Thus, it’s almost against all odds, Lotta was able to complete her Master’s Thesis entitled ‘REE mobility during late-stage hydrothermal alteration in the siderite carbonatites of the 1.3 Ga Grønnedal-Íka alkaline complex -Southwest Greenland’ by end November 2022. She followed up on the M.Sc. work done by Eemu Ranta on drill cores from the alkaline Grønnedal-Íka igneous complex in Southwest Greenland and how the intrusion of a 55 m wide basaltic dyke might have mobilised Rare Earth Elements (REE) from primary apatite crystals into secondary REE minerals. These studies are part of the multi-disciplinary IKKA project focusing on the link between the submarine mineral columns of ikaite-monohydrocalcite in Ikka Fjord and the Grønnedal-Íka alkaline complex providing the minerals necessary to create groundwater of the chemical composition necessary to precipitate ikaite in Ikka Fjord. Congrats to Lotta on a well-earned M.Sc. degree!


Photo above shows Lotta Hanzelmann carrying out CL-work on the samples at RWTH Aachen University. Photo by Samuel Slama.


Supervisors on the this M.Sc. project were Professor Thomas Wagner at RWTH Aachen University, and Gabrielle Stockmann and Eemu Ranta from the University of Iceland.