Deli 9 years
Our youngest Smooth Collie, Deli (Honey Melon Fay Fidelia) turned 9 yesterday. Every year she manages to add to her life at times feel like a miracle. She has a badly functioning pancreas and that causes challenges to her health. Luckily, not all the time, but when it happens, we have to bring her to the veterinarian. This past summer, she suffered from inflammation in the uterus and because it’s difficult to sedate her, we had to plan the surgery very carefully. It was our old-time best veterinarians at Fjordens Dyrlæger in Denmark who did the initial stage, but Deli had to be transferred to the larger Himmelev Dyreklinik due to complications. Thus, we are very happy she is still with us!
Deli celebrated her birthday with us and dog-friend Jan-Åke with his dog, Natasha. She is a shelter dog from Saint Petersburg, Russia, whereas Deli is originally from Finland. These two eastern girls look very much alike and get along really well. Deli got an extra toy to her already enormous collection of toys. She can pick up all her 30+ toys by name and does that every day.