Erik on Sommarlov
On the 30th of June, Erik took part in the recording of the Children’s Summer Show “Sommarlov” (summer vacation) in Malmö, Southern Sweden. This TV show has been running for several summers and is at present part of the Swedish national television’s (SVT) summer programs. The show runs every day for the whole summer and will be broadcasted 68 times. In summer 2020 one of the themes is volcanoes. In each show, a “ghost” appears, referred to as the “summer shadow” (sommarskuggan), and this year it lures in a crater. As the topic of the year is volcanoes, they invited Erik to tell about the eruptions he has witnessed during his career as a volcanologist. In addition, he brought volcanic rocks with him such as lava, obsidian and a volcanic bomb. He showed some of his photographs of volcanic eruptions, too. Erik was very pleased with the whole experience. The recording went really well and the people at SVT did a fantastic job. They had a very good script and produced an excellent program that was broadcasted the following day. It was great fun to take part in the program!