Grant from Aase og Jørgen Münters Fond
We are most grateful for the financial support from ‘Aase og Jørgen Münters Fond’ in Denmark to our Greenland research project! The diving on this year’s IKKA expedition to study the submarine ikaite columns was made possible through a generous grant from this Danish fund. Our divers were Uli Kunz and Florian Huber, who not only helped with scientific diving tasks, but were also responsible for footage for the Terra X program on German TV-channel ZDF. They took amazing photos both above and under the water surface. We look very much forward to see the final result, which should be aired on ZDF in spring 2022. On behalf of the IKKA expedition team 2021, a sincere thank you to Aase og Jørgen Münters Fond, Aage V. Jensens Fonde, Bolin Centre for Climate Research, the Research Fund at the University of Iceland, and German Gruppe5/ZDF, Blue Ice Explorer and captain Laasinguaq, our local helpers Kunuk and Jonathan from Arsuk, and the staff at the Grønnedal Navy Base for support and assistance!
Photo above is taken by Uli Kunz, SUBMARIS depicting the underwater world among the ikaite columns in Ikka Fjord, SW Greenland.