April 18, 2021
in Family
New home in Gothenburg
Exciting times in our lives as we have now moved into a house in an area called ‘Landala Egnahem’ in central Gothenburg. This means our address from now on is: Skjutbanegatan 2B, 413 21 Gothenburg

This is a village-like neighbourhood where the houses are all wooden houses, approximately 100 years old. Erik and I are almost relieved to finally be able to combine our different Swedish homes and be living under the same roof again. The last 8 years have been rather intense with me either working in Stockholm or Reykjavík (Iceland), while Erik has worked in Gothenburg. We hope this new house sets the stage for more relaxed times ahead. We love having visitors for coffee and guests for dinner, so please stop by our new home and say hello!