PhD defence of Eemu Ranta
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PhD defence of Eemu Ranta

While in Iceland, we were luckily able to attend the PhD defence of Eemu Ranta at the University of Iceland. Eemu is a former BSc and MSc student of ours on the Ikka project in Greenland, and similar to his Master’s thesis, he has done an amazing work on his PhD thesis entitled ‘Stable Isotopes of volatile elements as window into the crust and mantle beneath Icelandic volcanoes’. He always does twice the work he is supposed to and of such high quality that you can nothing but be impressed! We congratulate Eemu on a well-earned doctoral degree and are curious to see where the next steps will take him, Pauliina and Neeme.

Photo: Gabrielle. Freysteinn Sigmundsson welcoming everyone to the PhD defence of Eemu Ranta.
Photo: Gabrielle. Eemu did an excellent job when presenting his PhD thesis.
Photo: Gabrielle. Eemu receiving presents at the reception afterwards.
Photo: Gabrielle. He received among others this nice Icelandic sweater as a gift.
Photo: Erik Sturkell. Making ready for a photo session with Eemu and PhD supervisors.
Photo: Gabrielle. Dr. Eemu Ranta surrounded by his supervisors, Andri Stefánsson (left) and Sæmundur Ari Halldórsson (right), and son Neeme in front of Sæmi.