Training sled dogs
This Saturday morning was spent in Tisvilde Hegn, Denmark taking part in sled dog training. Michelle N. Petersen joined me on this early morning trip, and Bo and Susan from Kennel Ulvedalen provided the sled dogs and the training – and coffee, bread, and good company. This is the part I can really miss from my sled dog days, the social get-together after training. Michelle is currently staying at my mother’s place while taking a one-month course in Hillerød in preparation for becoming an emergency-care driver. She was part of Danish Navy crew onboard ‘Hvidbjørnen’, who helped us carry out the research in Ikka Fjord, SW Greenland last summer. Michelle was our diving assistant and making sure the three divers’ gear was okay and that they were following the diving protocols. Handling a bunch of sled dogs can maybe be compared to handling Navy divers :-). Anyway, Michelle has the advantage of being used to handling animals as she has previously been working in a zoo as a caretaker of animals. Thanks to Bo and Susan for once again be willing to share their time and make it possible for ‘outsiders’ to get an insight to what it means to live and work with sled dogs.