Weekend in Denmark
Due to an eye surgery on our oldest dog Glitnir, this weekend was once again spent in Denmark. After moving back from Iceland, it is no longer possible to get sickness insurance for them in Sweden (they are too old), and therefore it’s much cheaper for me to go to my ‘old’ veterinarian in Denmark. This was just a minor surgery and everything went well. However, since I was in Denmark I could take part in celebrating my mother’s neighbour Dora, who was turning 80. Dora and Leif are always ready with treats for the dogs after their morning walks, and it has become a nice ritual to stop by Dora and Leif’s house each morning for some treats and talking – on safe corona distance of course. Furthermore, there was a very nice event in the Gundsømagle Church I could take part in, where the multi-artist Majbritte Ulrikkeholm read poems, sang and played songs mainly of her own work. She managed to pass on Christmas spirit to all of us present in the church, which is exactly what you need these grey days.